Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff Cigars

A top-tier brand that deserves a prime spot in every smoker's stash, you'll marvel at the exquisiteness of smoking a Davidoff cigar every time one is smoldering between your knuckles. For over a century now, Davidoff has been courting the tastes of the most sophisticated aficionados with tobaccos of the highest quality and flavor profiles of immense complexity despite maintaining an egalitarian level of strength so everyone has something to enjoy. Started in 1911 as a family business in Switzerland, Davidoff really came into its own after son Zino Davidoff began his ascension to tobacco enlightenment in the 1920's. Returning from youthful travels throughout Cuba and Central America hunting for the secrets of tobacco, it didn't take long for Zino to prove he had found his mark. From new and exciting blends to the invention of the desktop humidor, the name Davidoff grew to become synonymous with the best life had to offer, especially after 1947. That was the year that Zino created the first cigars to carry his name, the Davidoff Chateau and the Davidoff Gran Cru, named in honor of his family's love for Bordeaux wine. (See more popular Nicaraguan Cigars)

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