Cigar Place guarantees the freshness and quality of the cigars and products you buy from us 100%. If you are not satisfied after smoking two cigars you purchase from us, we will provide you with a full refund or exchange the entire item/order. Additional cigars smoked beyond the first two will be prorated accordingly. We'll also pay all shipping costs!
What to do if you are not satisfied with your cigar:
- Call Cigar Place at 1-800-913-0433 or CONTACT US within 15 days.
- Please give us a description as to why you are not satisfied with your purchase and how many cigars you've smoked.
- Please also tell us whether you'd prefer an exchange or a refund.
- We will create for you a service ticket for your exchange or return.
- If needed, we will e-mail you a pre-paid return label for your return or include one with your exchange item(s).
- On a return, once we have received your cigars back, we will process a refund back to your method of payment.
- Cigar Place pays shipping costs!!