Oliva Serie V

Oliva Serie V

The notable Oliva Serie V Cigar is the crown jewel of the Oliva Cigar Company in Nicaragua. For years, if not decades, Oliva has been among the very top suppliers of cigar tobacco in the world. When they decided to start making their own brands of cigars, people started paying more attention. Then, when Serie V was introduced, the entire world of cigars went crazy, and for many years this ultra-premium treat was one of the hardest sticks to get a hold of. Made by the top rollers at Oliva, Serie V consists of Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley ligero fillers, a spicy Nicaraguan binder, and a gorgeous sun-grown Ecuadoran wrapper. This is one beast of a cigar, and well it should be, as it helped start the “powerhouse” cigar movement, when tastes went from full-flavored to extremely-full-flavored.

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