The Quorum Toro cigar is a great quality cigar manufactured by the J.C. Newman family. The J.C. Newman family is also the home of the Diamond Crown, Brick House, El Baton, Cuesta-Rey, and La Unica. Quorum cigars are on the low end of the bargain bundled cigars. However, their unparalleled quality keep their loyal customers coming back time and time again.
The Quorum cigars are made up of Nicaraguan fillers, Nicaraguan binders, and sungrown Ecuadoran wrappers. These beauties from Quorum cigars are medium bodied, nutty, and smooth.
Don't let the low low price of these cigars phase you, the Quorum bundles are great cigars for the smokers who knock down 3-5 sticks a day and want something cheap to fill in between the good sticks. Sometimes quantity wins over quality, but these sticks from Quorum are anything but sub-par.