Padron 1926 40th Anniversary Maduro Cigars
In 2002, the Padron Cigar Company in Nicaragua introduced the 1926 Serie cigar to commemorate patriarch Jose O. Padron's 75th birthday. In 2004, Padron 40th Anniversary Maduro was named the "#1 Cigar of the Year" by Cigar Aficionado. What has become of the cigar since has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Made of the finest sun grown habano tobacco Nicaragua has to offer, this Nicaraguan puro is one of the most decorated cigars ever produced. It has a laundry list of accolades, including multiple Number 1 and 2 spots on the infamous Cigar Aficionado Top 25. Full-bodied, intensely complex, and impeccably consistent. Padron 1926 has been called the finest Nicaraguan cigar money can buy.
Well-marbled caramel-brown tobacco embraces this Nicaraguan masterpiece. The signature gold and white band is accompanied by a second label containing a serial number for proof of authenticity. From the very first puff, the 1926 Serie erupts with a copious thunderhead of thick white smoke, blanketing the palate with rich, spicy Nicaraguan tobacco flavor. The complexities of the 1926 are indescribable, ranging from nutmeg to cocoa to cedar. The puff concludes with a long, robust finish that coats the tongue like thick syrup. Absolutely marvelous.
Seasoned, long-time aficionados and connoisseurs will be blown away by this incomparable work of tobacco art. 1926 Serie makes for a fantastic celebration cigar or a fine indulging experience after a steak dinner. It pairs well with single-malt scotch and port wine and can be compared only to its fellow top-notch brothers and sisters—Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro and Padron Family Reserve. Padron 1926 Serie can best be described as nothing short of amazing.
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