Oliva Serie G Torpedo Cigars
Hailing from Nicaragua and coming out of one of the most famous cigar factories in the world, Oliva Serie G Torpedo cigar rounds out the Oliva portfolio by providing connoisseurs with rich, medium-bodied flavors at an affordable price point. A hearty blend of spicy Cuban seed, Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos form the core of this high-end stogie. It's then draped in a toothy African-Cameroon wrapper to give it a sweet flavor profile.
Serie G starts off with a burst of cedar and white pepper. The experience progresses with floral aromas and subtle hints of cinnamon and brown sugar. Oliva Serie G remains rock solid as a great choice for novices or anyone who wants a medium-bodied go-to cigar. It pairs well with white wine and pale ale and makes a great choice for after a meal. Comparable sticks include Arturo Fuente and Cohiba. Serie G is a classic that's still going strong, even in today's ever-growing world of fine cigars.
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