Joya De Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Toro Cigars
Crafted initially to commemorate its 45th anniversary, the Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Toro cigars epitomize the quintessential celebratory smoke. Being the pioneer Nicaraguan cigar factory since 1968, Cuatro Cinco demanded uniqueness to pay homage not only to the company but also to the dedicated individuals behind it. Following its resounding success, Joya de Nicaragua opted to release a tweaked version of this special edition cigar for the wider audience. They introduced a Dominican volado binder to the original Nicaraguan puro, resulting in a blend that leans towards medium-bodied yet brims with rich flavors. The filler tobaccos sourced from Esteli and the Jalapa Valley, aged for five years, undergo an additional year of fermentation in rum oak barrels, enhancing the profile with a delightful woodiness.
With a gorgeous and unique band of black and gold atop a band of white, this is definitely made for a special occasion. The dark Nicaraguan wrapper has an unbelievable aroma of fruit and cedar which carries through to your first few puffs. While there is a spiciness on the finish, nothing overpowers the wonderful earthiness that is present from beginning to end. Rigidly square-pressed, the draw and the burn were nothing short of spectacular.
Presented in boxes of 10 these cigars are definitely within reach of most aficionados. If you are looking for a little more body, the Joya de Nicaragua Dark Corojo is another outstanding smoke.
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