Cohiba Nicaragua N52 Cigars
Cohiba is perhaps the most iconic cigar in the world. It is without question one of the most popular brands made in the Dominican Republic. Well, what happens when it releases a new regular production line not made in the Dominican Republic? The world takes notice! Introducing Cohiba Nicaragua N52, a highly sought-after addition to the Cohiba lineup, offering cigar enthusiasts a very special smoke. Handcrafted using only the finest hand-selected tobacco leaves from the volcanic soils of Estelí and Jalapa, this premium cigar is meticulously blended to deliver a full-bodied flavor that is both sophisticated and well-balanced.
With a length of 5 inches and a ring gauge of 52, the Cohiba Nicaragua N52 cigar boasts a Colorado oscuro wrapper that has a beautiful reddish-chocolate hue. This choice wrapper gives a hint of creamy sweetness to the overall smoking experience. Upon lighting, you'll immediately notice the rich, complex flavor profile, which features notes of pepper, cocoa, wood, hay, and espresso bean, all perfectly balanced to create a unique smoking experience that will leave your taste buds wanting more.
Cohiba has taken great care in crafting this Nicaraguan cigar, ensuring that it complements their portfolio while offering something new and exciting. If you're a fan of Cohiba cigars, the Cohiba Nicaragua N52 is a must-try if you enjoy a full-bodied smoke with a smooth finish.
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