Room101 Cigars
Room101 Cigars was founded in 2009 with the intent to honor the craft and rich history of cigar making whilst applying a progressive approach to both blending and product design. From its inception, the Room101 brand quickly garnered the respect and intrigue of cigar traditionalists as well as a newer breed of enthusiasts in the early stages of what was to become an era of "boutique" brands. Partnering with Camacho Cigars, they created a brand of the same name, and would go on to produce other cigar lines such as Chief Cool Arrow, The Big Payback, Namakubi, Farce and Doomsayer.
Name & Size | Packaging | MSRP | You Save | Price | ||
Room 101 Ichiban Connecticut Toro
Packaging: Bundle of 20 | MSRP: $155.00 | 64% | Price: $55.99 |
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $38.75 | 61% | Price: $14.99 |
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $7.75 | 49% | Price: $3.99 |
Room 101 Ichiban Habano Toro
Packaging: Bundle of 20 | MSRP: $155.00 | 64% | Price: $55.99 |
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $38.75 | 61% | Price: $14.99 |
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $7.75 | 49% | Price: $3.99 |
Room 101 Namakubi Roxxo
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $8.40 | 45% | Price: $4.60 | ||
Room 101 Serie HN 305
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $6.50 | 50% | Price: $3.25 |