Davidoff Nicaragua Cigars
Davidoff Nicaragua is a fantastic full-bodied cigar from one of the most legendary names in the business. Developed and constructed in Nicaragua, this gorgeous luxury stick features only the best of the best tobaccos, including rich Nicaraguan ligero fillers from Esteli, Condega, and Ometepe, a binder from Jalapa, and an exquisite 10-year-aged Nicaraguan Habano seed Rosado wrapper. Coming in at #3 on Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 of 2013, this cigar continues the Davidoff legacy, extending it now to lovers of full-bodied sticks as well. (See more Davidoff Cigars)
Name & Size | Packaging | MSRP | You Save | Price | ||
Davidoff Primeros Maduro Nicaragua
Packaging: Brick of 30 | MSRP: $180.00 | 35% | Price: $116.95 |
Packaging: Tin of 6 | MSRP: $36.00 | 20% | Price: $28.95 |
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua
Packaging: Brick of 30 | MSRP: $180.00 | 35% | Price: $116.95 |
Packaging: Tin of 6 | MSRP: $36.00 | 20% | Price: $28.95 |
Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed Toro
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $97.50 | 15% | Price: $82.95 | ||
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $19.50 | 5% | Price: $18.50 | |||
Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubos - 2014 #21 Cigar of the Year
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $85.00 | 15% | Price: $71.95 | ||
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $17.00 | 5% | Price: $16.20 | |||
Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $62.50 | 15% | Price: $52.95 | ||
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $12.50 | 5% | Price: $11.90 | |||
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro - 2013 #3 Cigar of the Year
Packaging: Pack of 5 | MSRP: $100.50 | 15% | Price: $84.95 | ||
Packaging: Single Cigar | MSRP: $20.10 | 5% | Price: $19.10 |